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5 quick cyber security tips for online shopping

Shopping online is a convenient way to get what you want when you want. It’s also much less expensive than going to the store or mall. However, before making your ...
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8 Top features of Windows 11

Are you aware of the launch of the newest version of Windows operating system since the last OS version of Windows 10? It caught Microsoft users by surprise. In 2015, ...
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Your small business needs cyber insurance and here’s why

What Is Cyber Insurance? Cyber insurance policies allow businesses to gain recovery costs from cybersecurity attacks, breaches, and other similar events. These financial products are also known as “cyber liability ...
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5 Critical questions to ask your next IT support partner

Businesses now more than ever are outsourcing their technology needs to a third-party provider. It has become more affordable and convenient to access advanced IT solutions. Yet, the development of ...
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Are you ignoring these crucial small business tech trends?

As small business owners, you may not be at the forefront of developing IT like enterprise-level businesses are. With that said, tech still plays a vital role in the efficiency ...
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Future of healthcare: 8 ways tech is changing your industry

The healthcare industry seems to be becoming more technologically advanced as time passes. With developments in artificial intelligence, 3D printing, VR/AR, nanotechnology, and robotics, executives need to familiarize themselves with ...
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Look out for these 3 emerging tech trends in the AEC industry

Top AEC Technology Trends With the recent focus on remote work, several industries have paved the way toward new developments in industrialized construction and robotic process automation. Data-driven design, collaboration ...
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The top 5 iPhones for business people

Discover Which iPhone Is Best For You Steve Jobs launched the first iPhone in 2007, and there was only one singular model you could buy. Regarding storage, there were two ...
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